Did you know that Flood Alerts have unique definitions depending on your location?

What You Need To Know

  • Flood Alerts during the summer are issued before heavy rainfall 

  • There are Flood and Flash Flood Alerts that mean different things

  • Know the different between an advisory, watch, warning and emergency notification 

  • There are what is considered minor, moderate and major Flooding categories in our area

Downpours among us

As we continue to recover from and prepare for more instances of flooding problems from heavy downpours and storms this summer, it may be a good time to review what our local Flood Alerts means for you. 

Here in the Capital Region, a Flood Watch means conditions are favorable for flooding, yet it doesn’t mean flooding is guaranteed, but it is possible.

When a Flood Advisory pops up it means flooding is not expected to be bad enough to issue a warning, yet it could cause a significant inconvenience, or it could lead to situations that may threaten life or our property if we are not cautious.

A Flood Warning comes through when flooding already is in progress, and this can be a very dangerous situation. 

A Flash Flood Warning occurs when flooding is imminent or already happening and they are sudden and violent. This is the type of flood that requires immediate action in order to seek higher ground, up and away from poor drainage areas and waterways.

Flash Floods could quickly develop, or they sometimes take several hours. These types of floods are very dangerous because they can occur far away from areas of rainfall.

A Flash Flood Emergency Alert happens rarely and it should take priority and fast. When a Flash Flood Emergency happens, there is concern that flooding could cause a loss of life and extreme damage to structures, land and property.

Excessive rain and runoff

A few friendly reminders for those who need to travel in order to avoid flood-prone areas are to leave early, before the storm and only follow recommended routes.

We should never attempt to drive over a flooded road, but turn around and go another way and remember, it only takes a mere two feet of water to sweep away a vehicle. 

Here is a link to some great information from the NYS Department of Conservation about how to recover from and stay healthy following the floods.

So remember, when a Flood Alert is issued, a Watch means be prepared, whereas a warning means you should take action. Plus, we are always here for you, so keep the Spectrum News App Weather page handy on your mobile device for all the latest local forecast information.

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