GREENSBORO, N.C. ā€” The Historic Magnolia House's August Juke Joint celebration will pay tribute to Miles Davis with a performance by the UNC-Greensboro Jazz Band.

What You Need To Know

  • During the Jim Crow era, Magnolia House was listed as the preferred hotel for African Americans in The Green Book

  • The Historic Magnolia House's August Juke Joint celebration will pay tribute to Miles Davis with a performance by the UNCG Jazz Band

  • The event will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday 

Davis was good friends with Buddy Gist, the son of the original Magnolia House owners Louie and Arthur Gist.

Davis gave Buddy Gist his trumpet from his 1959 "Kind of Blue" album, and Gist donated the trumpet to the UNCG Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program.

During the Jim Crow era, Magnolia House was listed as the preferred hotel for African Americans in the Green Book.

Its guests included Tina Turner, Jackie Robinson, Lena Horne and other prominent athletes, musicians and politicians.

ā€œThe team and I get to live in this space every day, all day. I think the most fun part is coming up with really innovative ways to give the house its voice back,ā€ Magnolia House owner Natalie Pass Miller said.

Pass Miller and her father, Sam Pass, restored the landmark and reopened it as a fully functioning hotel and restaurant last year. 

Pass Miller says it was important to her family to share authentic experiences with the community.

"Everything that is done today when you walk through those doors, you are experiencing the hotel rooms where the historic guest stayed. You are experiencing the restaurant, which is in honor of Mama Gist and how she would take care of the Green Book hotel guests," Pass Miller said.

Out of the more than 200 referrals listed in the Green Book, Magnolia House is one of the few still operating today.

August marks the anniversary of Davis' "Kind of Blue" album. 

The event will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday. For advance tickets click here.