GREENSBORO, N.C. — North Carolina A&T now has heat in its buildings after weather-related damage.

What You Need To Know

  • North Carolina A&T announced Wednesday morning that its heating system sustained weather-related damage 

  • The school says necessary repairs were made to the campus heating system

  • The university will have remote instruction Friday, but is otherwise resuming normal operations at 8 a.m. 

  • The eight residence halls and the 26 other buildings that lacked heat will reopen Friday at 8 a.m

The school announced Wednesday morning that its heating system was damaged sometime Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. 

The school says necessary repairs to the campus heating system were made and heat was restored Thursday night. Initially, the school said the damage required replacement parts and repair work that could not be completed before the weekend.

The university's eight residence halls and 26 other buildings that lacked heat will reopen Friday at 8 a.m.  

The university will still have remote instruction Friday, but is otherwise resuming normal operations at 8 a.m. 

Displaced students who were temporarily housed at seven local hotels are being offered shuttle service to campus Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.