The repeal of a section of state law known as 50-A was supposed to increase transparency with police in New York.

Repealing 50-A had been an early demand by protesters in New York following the death of George Floyd, and ultimately happened in early June.

But nearly two months after the measure was done away with by the state, getting ahold of police misconduct records is still proving a challenge.

One of those trying to get access to those records is Greg Smith, a reporter with the news website TheCity.NYC.

“These records have been protected from public disclosure for decades,” said Smith.

Dozens of requests are in a state of limbo “because the city department of law decided that they aren’t going to release anything until the lawsuit is resolved.”

Smith came close, but eventually a spokesperson for City lawyers told him in so many words, it was "not worthwhile.”

Smith said he believes unions are fighting to make sure unsubstantiated reports will never be seen.

Reports are likely to remain unavailable until a federal judge weighs in.