People in Tully on Saturday afternoon gathered to speak out against racism in their community.

"The misconception here is that Black lives matter is trying to promote themselves above other people, and that's just not true, we're just trying to fight for the opportunity to be treated equally but with equity," said Steve Williams, a speaker at Saturday's event.

What You Need To Know

  • People gathered in Cummings Park in Tully Saturday afternoon

  • Speakers shared their experiences as a person of color and why Black lives matter

  • Native peoples have had similar experiences of racism as Black people

Williams says blue, white, or all lives matter is not an appropriate response to Black lives matter.

"You don't hear all lives matter in response to blue lives matter, you don't hear blue lives matter in response to all lives matter. You only hear them both in response to Black lives matter," said Williams.

Saturday's event in Cummings Park highlighted the experiences of people of color.

"When you say Black lives matter, don't say it because it’s popular and you want to be cool. Don't say it because it’s controversial and you want to be different. Say it because Black lives matter," said Williams.

"But for the indigenous native people of this land we have a pandemic of murdering and missing indigenous women. And a lot of times people don't hear it or see it or even know about it," said Awhenjiosta Myers, a speaker at Saturday's event.

Myers says things happening to people in the Black community are happening to Native peoples too.

"It's happening our people are being shot and killed and hung and lynched but it’s just it’s not in the media," said Myers.

Williams says an event like this in a small town shows people want to be involved.

"It shows a healthy sense of ally ship. It shows people coming together and understanding that the fight against hate is a united fight," said Williams.

"There's just so much going on in this country right now, where we just really need to speak up. We can't just sit down quietly, there's so much that we have to speak for those voices that can't be heard anymore as well," said Myers.