There is a lot of weather folklore floating around the internet these days.

Some stories have a bit of truth, while others are outlandish!

What You Need To Know

  • Coffee is great, but it can't help you forecast the weather

  • Folklore states that the position of the bubbles helps to predict weather

  • Bubbles in the middle of your cup supposedly indicate an area of high pressure

  • Bubbles along the outer ring of the cup supposedly  show you're in an area of low pressure

One weather myth that I’ve seen circulating recently is that your cup of coffee can act as your meteorologist for the day. While coffee can sometimes detect areas of high and low pressure, there are way too many variables that can impact a cup of coffee's ability to predict good or bad weather.

Some of those variabilities include the temperature of the water, the type of coffee you purchase, and the concentration of your brew.

Have you ever seen bubbles in your morning cup of Joe? Those bubbles are what people swear that could take my job!

Legend Has It...

The legend states that if you look at the bubbles' position in your cup, you will able to predict if rain, snow, or sun is on the way.

If the bubbles move to the center of your cup, you are in an area of high pressure. This typically means that the surface convex of the coffee is in the middle.

Bubbles are air, so they migrate to the highest point, which is the middle.

In contrast, if the bubbles form a ring around the side of your coffee mug, an area of low pressure or bad weather is on tap. That’s because the surface of the coffee will sink in the middle.

If the bubbles slowly move to the edge of the cup, some weather is expected, but it won’t be a long lasting event.

Fun, But Don't Exactly Take it to The Bank

While this is fun to look at and will certainly keep you busy during the pandemic, there is not enough research for or against this theory to prove its credibility. Plus, I would like to keep my job!

To see more stories like this and for a forecast you can count on follow Meteorologist Kaylee Wendt on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!