When planning for severe weather season, it is important to prepare or update your emergency supply kit for you and your household.

What You Need To Know

  • Build or update your home safety kit now

  • Discuss the importance of the kit with the household

  • Have multiple ways to get severe weather alerts

  • Follow the latest Weather on The 1s forecast to stay ahead of any storm

According to the National Weather Service, here is a list of the basics to include in your at-home kit:

  • One gallon of water per person in your household
  • Three days worth of non-perishable food with a long shelf life
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • First-Aid Kit
  • Tissues, toilet paper, and paper towels
  • Sleeping bag, blankets, and pillows
  • Basic tools
  • Essential hygiene items
  • Extra clothes per person
  • Plastic cups, utensils, and paper plates
  • Books, cards, and board games, especially for kids
  • KEY ITEM: Portable weather radio

Make sure you have the following essentials stored in a backpack or storage tub and keep your kit in an easily accessible spot like a closet or basement.

Some other items to consider adding: a portable charger for your cellphone, extra packed pet food, and important documents/cash if needed.

Another great item to have in case of a tornado is a helmet, especially for children.

Time to talk

Once the emergency kit is gathered and stored safely, discuss with your household the following questions:

  1. Where will you store the preparedness kit in your home? 
  2. What other items do you want to add and why?
  3. Will any items in your kit expire?
  4. Ask children: when will we need the kit? 
  5. Practice and prepare. Talk and walk your family through a severe weather/tornado drill at home.

Gathering and preparing your home emergency kit with your family is key! This way, everyone feels prepared and knows what to do during a severe weather situation. 

Also, discussing where to go is important. Everyone should know where the safest spot is in your household is during an emergency. 

And as always, have MULTIPLE ways to get weather alerts: cell phone, TV, weather radio, and sirens. Don't rely on just one. It is important to have back-ups!

One common mistake is relying on only sirens. Sirens are for outdoor warnings instead of indoors.

Stay prepared and not scared! You can always rely on your Weather On The 1s experts for the latest weather alerts. Stay safe.