HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — School safety is an issue that has state lawmakers constantly working on plans to make classrooms a safe space.

But it's a push that's also happening within our communities outside of law enforcement.

A Bay area group of moms came together after the Parkland shooting to start raising money to make their kids' school safer.

They just reached their first goal at Newsome High School, putting security curtains in every classroom.

"Every single teacher has the ability to let down their blinds to secure and blackout so that no one can see into their room in a matter of seconds, and then they are immediately freed up to be with our children where they should be," said Jessica Coffman of Coalition for School Safety.

The coalition is a non-profit made up of moms who raise funds to make safety improvements at schools.

The shades were thanks to a donation from a local Realtor, George Shea.

The curtains are quick release, accordion-style shades that make it so people can't see into classrooms. Over 200 of the shades were installed at Newsome High School.

There is a plan to raise enough money to install the security curtains at as many schools in Hillsborough County as possible.

In addition to Newsome, two elementary schools have them.