Nothing like a little healthy competition can make me feel alive.

What You Need To Know

It’s one of the things that took a professional chef and turned her into a professional pinballer.

Bobbi Douthitt’s women’s world ranking is 172.

“So my goal for this year just try to get to the top 100,” said Douthitt. 

Douthitt is part of the Replay Amusement Museum team in Tarpon Springs.

She describes pinball as a board game under glass - and kinetically satisfying.

“There's all this physics in play trying to predict where the ball is going to bounce and jump to. It's really fun,” said Douthitt. “And it's kind of like a brainteaser every game.” 

Douthitt oversees about 60 pinball machines and 60 video game cabinets in the museum.

She removes the glass and cleans the inside of the games, replacing worn parts. If things go really sideways, there are technicians on call.

And of course the best part of the job — product testing. 

She has to make sure the games are running properly.

“So you can kind of tell which ones are my favorites. They tend to be more clean,” said Douthitt.

There are flat fees for open play-and get this — a Late Night Date Night!

Douthitt passed on the most popular game in the shop — it’s Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker video game.