Residents are still celebrating nearly two months after the closure of Tonawanda Coke

The shutdown occurred after the corporation filed bankruptcy. 

The plant had also been found guilty and fined for emitting toxic chemicals through their stacks. 

The Clean Air Coalition of Western New York fought for more than a decade to have the plant shut down.

Members of the group now say they are focused on immediate concerns involving Tonawanda Coke's old site. 

"Tonawanda Coke has assimilated a large amount of debt," said member and Tonawanda resident, Maria Tisby. "They still owe Town of Tonawanda residents $2 million."

The money is restitution to the town for violations of the Clean Air Act. The funds are now tied up in bankruptcy court.

Following a visit to the site last week, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's commissioner said remediation at the site could take years. 

"It's nice to know that there is no smoke coming out of the stacks, but we don't know what the long-term chemical hazards could be," said Clean Air Coalition member, Nick Reed.