Their chants aren’t new. Their message — to free children in detainment camps — is still the same.

Despite weeks of protesting for social justice, these ralliers remain faithfully strong. 

“There are still 3,000 kids in this country that have not been reunited with their parents," said Peter Stuhlmiller, Kenmore Teachers Association president.

Stuhlmiller, who's a father himself, says kids at the border are going through child abuse at the hands of our government. 

"And if this is something our government is going to do, then the rational people in our country need to push back," he stated. 

"We want them to feel like there’s somebody on their side," added Joe McCann, political action coordinator for the Public Employees Federation. 

Friday's rally at Prospect Park was not only to raise awareness, but raise money.

McCann, who helped organize the rally, says the federal government will not accept direct donations like soap and blankets. So they’re raising money for the children's legal defense.

"There’s an organization in South Texas called RACES that are offering free and low-cost to the immigrant community and they pivoted to this crisis," he explained. 

On the other side, Joseph Falzone thinks the government’s actions are appropriate. 

"They're government detainees. So I don't know where you would put these government detainees. Maybe some of these people here would like to have them as guests in their house, and they can treat them anyway they want," said Falzone. 

Despite clashing opinions across the country, ralliers say they will continue to fight for justice. 

"I just find it unconscionable that democracy that stands for freedom can treat kids how they are treating kids," said Stuhlmiller. 

Friday's rally was organized by different groups such as Jewish Family Services and the Public Employees Federation. 

The specific message was "Te Vemos! — We See You!” — a reminder that those at the border are not forgotten.