NORTH CAROLINA -- A new study from the Pew Research Center reveals nearly one in five U.S. adults relocated because of the coronavirus outbreak or knows someone who did.

That includes people leaving college dorms that abruptly closed, communities they view as unsafe, and housing they can no longer afford.

The study finds almost one in ten adults between the ages of 18 to 29 moved during the coronavirus outbreak, higher than any other age group.

While some may have lost jobs, one local real estate agent says others are taking advantage of low-interest rates.

“Everyone is getting a great interest rate, so they’re deciding to move out of that apartment that they’ve kind of been throwing away money to every month, and they’re making an investment in that first home,” says broker Michele Davis.

Eighteen percent of those who moved said the most crucial factor was financial reasons.

Most who relocated didn’t purchase real estate to make their move. The study found 61 percent relocated to a family member’s home.