KENTUCKY - With many Americans focusing on the current pandemic, other health priorities can sometimes be put on the back burner. One area taking a hit, as a result, is dental care.

A springtime order from Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear limited dental visits to those most urgent. Since the order lifted, dentists have slowly welcomed back more patients.

The American Dental Association and KDA President Dr. Darren Greenwell have assured patients regularly scheduled visits are not only safe but essential.

"Dentistry is an essential healthcare," Greenwell said. "A lot of disease is either caused or increased from dental diseases – gum disease, for example. So, we think that it’s very important."

Dr. Greenwell told Spectrum News 1 that there have been no coronavirus cases resulting from dentist visits in Kentucky, and likely the United States. The American Dental Association told us they do not keep records on that issue. A representative from the Centers for Disease Control said the organization is currently processing our request for information.