Much like last weekend, this weekend will be very mild and summer-like. Several will see daytime highs in the 80s. Expect some rain over the weekend but it shouldn't destroy your plans.

What You Need To Know

  • Above average highs all weekend

  • Rain possible Saturday night

  • Widely isolated showers for Sunday

Temperatures this weekend will likely be trending 10-15 degrees above normal. High temperatures will reach upper 70s and 80s. 

As for rain, it shouldn't be much of an issue throughout the weekend. There will be some showers from time to time; however, most of the rain will stay away from the daytime hours. Showers will likely sweep across the state Saturday night. Sunday is looking drier with an isolated shower.

Wisconsin weekend forecast

If you have weekend plans, it may be smart to bring an umbrella just in case. Even though rain chances are low, an occasional pop-up shower may ruin the fun. Enjoy the warmer air as temperatures soar into the 70s and 80s. 

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