Some might say the Goethals Garden Homes Community isĀ  the best of both worlds.

"It's really nice here, it's a little bit out of the way -- you get a little bit of the country, a little bit of the City," said homeowner Gerald Harring.

That's how homeowner Gerald Harring describes life in the only mobile home park in all five boroughs.

"You know, everyone owns their own little place here, so they've got a little bit of money in the pie so it makes it that much better," Harring added.

Harring bought his home in 1983 for $40K, a steal compared to what this home sold for in September -- $150K.

That's the most any pre-manufactured home in the 128-unit park has sold for since it opened in 1981.

"If that's the going rate, that's the going rate. I don't know that I would now pay that. But you can't get an apartment that cheap either. I mean studios even on Staten Island are over $1000," said homeowner Kathleen McBrearty.

What many homeowners said is appealing about buying in this community is the space.

Most have three bedrooms, a porch, and come with a parking space.

That's something realtors sid just isn't possible anywhere else in the City for that price.

"You have every luxury you could probably pick up at a condo on the Island for less than half the price," said realtor Eli Ruiz from Excel Realty Associates.

Ruiz said owning a manufactured home is just as easy as buying a car.

It only takes a few days and once the sale goes through, buyers are only responsible for a property maintenance fee which is usually less than $700 a month.

"You have a lot of people who are self-employed or low income, they would never qualify for a regular home yet they can qualify for this. If you have a social security card and you can prove your income, you're in," added Ruiz.

But don't get your paperwork out just yet, Ruiz said there's a waiting list to get in to the Goethals Garden Homes Community.

"Where can you get for this price, this kind of living in New York City?" said Harring.