Colorado State University's Tropical Team updated their 2018 Hurricane season forecast Thursday as we were expecting.

Named Storms: Upped from 11 to 12. But there have already been 3 so the forecast for the rest of the season is 9 more.

Hurricanes:  Upped from 4 to 5.  There have already been 2 hurricanes so the forecast for the rest of the season is 3 more.

Major Hurricanes: The previous forecast remains at 1.

Phil Klotzbach and Michael Bell at Colorado State say, "We continue to forecast a below-average Atlantic hurricane season. The tropical Atlantic remains cooler than normal, and there is a relatively high potential that a weak El NiƱo develops in the next several months. The probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the United States coastline and in the Caribbean is below normal due to the forecast for a below-average season."

As we say every season, remember that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for you. Prepare the same, regardless of how much activity is predicted.

Don't miss our Tropical Updates each hour at :49. You can visit our Storm Season 2018 section here.